It is often said that one must stop and think before speaking. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself whose words are you about to speak, yours or His? The following is a 2010 entry from Journey Through The Stillness, my personal spiritual journal.
April 16, 2010 – “Do not be self-righteous. The work is MINE. You are the vessel. My aching Heart within you is to serve as a reminder for you to pray for those souls who are lost and cannot come to me except through my Most Sacred Heart. Your work is to spread My love and joy. I will speak THROUGH you; you do not speak through Me.”
Prayer: O, My Jesus, grant me humility and strength of resolve to go forth from your Sacred Heart within me to share your love and joy with all I come into contact with, especially, those souls who cannot reach You except through your infinite Divine Mercy and the unbinding love of your Sacred Heart. Grant me the wisdom to know the difference between your words and mine. Speak through me that others might hear. I ask this in the name of your Most Sacred Heart. Amen.