O Lord, You know how busy I must be this day: If I forget You, Do Not You forget me. (Prayer of Sir Jacob Astley before the battle of Edgehill)
Most of us lead very busy lives. We may have the best of intentions when it comes to our faith and prayer habits, but at times we succumb to the world, to our overly full schedules and to do lists. Sometimes we have no choice. Some of our busyness is due to responsibilities and obligations beyond our control, such as caring for someone sick or elderly, caring for our children and family, or responsibly completing job duties. At times like these we must learn to bring prayer, and Jesus, with us. We must learn to have a dual focus, one on that which must be done, and the other on Jesus Christ. It takes a conscience effort to accomplish this, ever reminding ourselves to focus. As we do, we become more proficient at it and are able to feel God’s presence as we go about our busyness.
Sometimes prayer time is meant to be mobile, spontaneous and adaptable to a given situation. Jesus is ever there, waiting to help us do His bidding. Persevere, bring your heartfelt prayers with you wherever you go. Ask Him not to forget you, even if you forget Him.
Blessings to each of you as you strive to be that person God has intended you to be.