Forgive me, Lord, when I no longer look forward toward the future, but instead dwell in the past or the problems of the here and now. Forgive me, Lord, when I let complacency set in accepting the status quo rather than preparing for my future with You.
Thank you, Lord, for the gift and grace of hope to sustain me, to keep me ever turning toward the future, toward You. Thanking you, Lord, for nudging me when necessary.
It is often easy to let complacency set in, to sit right where we are with little or no effort to change things for the better. Jesus nudges us forward, sometimes with little tugs at our heart or an idea that just won’t go away. Sometimes He has to hit us over the head to move us forward, such as a calamity or desperate situation. Pay attention to the nudges so you don’t have to be hit over the head! He won’t lead you anywhere but to Him. He is your future.