Often, when I try to enter into Stillness before God, I find my thoughts wandering. I am present physically, but not totally present mentally. The desire is there, but the willpower is lacking. At times like these I struggle for control with myself, my thoughts, and the world. In reality, my struggle is ultimately with the devil, who desires nothing less than to stop my relationship with Jesus. He seeks to intervene in any way possible and looks for any crack to worm through in order to accomplish his mission. He desires to have control over me. If I give up the struggle, the devil wins.
At times like these I stop and pray: “Lord, still my mind along with my body. Help my focus to be only on You. You are the most important part of my life, and yet, I let other life-thoughts continue to rob me of You. Center me, Lord, in all that is You.” (Journey Through The Stillness, August 9, 2011)