“Awake, O sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” Ephesians 5:14
Are you sleeping through your life? If so, you must awaken and come from the darkness into the Light. It is often easy to glide along letting nothing disturb you or disrupt your way, ever trying to let nothing rock your boat. In doing so, you miss the importance and real meaning of your life. You live in vain; you live in ignorance. Your life is wasted, and a wasted life is a travesty.
Continue reading in Ephesians 5:15-17, “Keep careful watch over your conduct. Do not act like fools, but like thoughtful men. Make the most of the present opportunity, for these are evil days. Do not continue in ignorance, but try to discern the will of the Lord.”
God often gently awakens us, opening our hearts to His voice. However, He sometimes has to rock our boat to jolt us out of our deep sleep. Do you listen for His voice? Are you in a situation, that if you look closely, you can see His Hand rocking your boat? Or, are you gliding along ignoring anything that makes you stop and think about your direction in life? Is your boat rocking you to sleep, or rocking your world?!
Do not remain ignorant. Do not let your life be wasted. Awake! Arise! Enter into the Light! Do so by living in His Word, by reading and meditating on all God has to say. Find His will for your life in the Good News of The Gospels. Find the real meaning of your life in The Bible.