“God speaks in the silence of the heart, and we listen. And then we speak to God from the fullness of our heart, and God listens. And this listening and this speaking is what prayer is meant to be….” (Mother Teresa)
Humility is born in the silence of our heart as we hear God and receive His fullness of grace. From this fullness of grace, from humility, we offer ourselves to our Creator. In humble prayer we admit that we know nothing, can do nothing, and are nothing, without the fullness of grace imparted to us by Him in the silence of our heart. It is a bit of a round-robin isn’t it? Yet, in the beginning is silence. Nothing is required of us but silence of the heart. God makes it so simple for us to come to Him, to hear His voice, and then to respond. It can be just as simple as Mother Teresa states. Our silence, His speaking, and our response: prayer in its most natural and basic form. A beautifully simple way to become meek and humble of heart.
Prayer: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.”