Inside the Pantheon at the tomb of the famours artist Raphael is The Madonna del Sasso, by Lorenzetto, a student of Raphael. Photo taken in 2011 by Martha Wiggins.
“You are God’s chosen people. You are holy and clearly loved. So put on tender mercy and kindness as if they were your clothes. Don’t be proud. Be gentle and patient. Put up with each other. Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. And over all of those good things put on love. Love holds them all together perfectly as if they were one.” Colossians 3:12-14
If mercy and kindness, along with gentleness and patience, are your clothes, then love is your belt cinched around the middle. It is what makes all the pieces combine into one outfit. It is just the right outfit to go out and meet the day! Yet having the perfect clothes, and even having love to complete our outfit, does not insure that everything will go our way or come easy. There is still the issue of forgiveness. We still must forgive others as we have been forgiven. However, being wrapped in mercy, kindness, gentleness and patience is certainly a step in the right direction. The key is to remember that we are loved and forgiven by our God. We are His chosen people bound together in love. Forgiveness is born in love.
Clothe yourself as one who is both chosen and forgiven. Wrap yourself in love and make it a good day!