“The LORD was with Joseph, so he became a successful man. And he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian. Now his master saw that the LORD was with him and how the LORD caused all that he did to prosper in his hand.” Genesis 39:2-3
God Calling, A.J. Russell, October 29th entry: “Your success is the measure of My Will and Mind that you have revealed to those around you. Your success is the measure of My Will that those around you have seen worked out in your lives.”
Favorable result, or the gaining of wealth, fame, etc. is how Webster’s New World Dictionary defines the word success. It is also how the world defines success. As believers we are not to be of this world. We might have a presence in this world but our real life is of the next world; it is of His World.
We all want to be known as a ‘good’ person, or someone whom others see as worthwhile. We dress and act in certain ways in order to be counted ‘in’ and not ruled out as weird, or unpopular. This, however, has nothing to do with the type of success Jesus would have us achieve. Besides progress for our own soul, He measures our success by how it affects others. He calls on us to be a witness for him through both our words and our actions. He wants us to be known as His.
How do you measure success? Take a good look today at how your words and actions affect those around you. Will they know by them that you are a believer, a follower of Jesus, or will they just think you are a good person? Do others see that you act according to God’s will? You may very well be a work in progress, but remember, He does not need perfection. What He needs is effort in His name so that others too will benefit from seeing His will worked out in your life.