“You know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep.” Romans 13:11
Are you a clock watcher? Do you watch it constantly, checking to see how much time has gone by, but yet when asked, you can’t tell someone what time it is? Watch the clock and miss your life!
The time is now; not in five minutes, five days, five weeks, or five years. The time is now to live your life as the creation of God you are. God created you to live, not to watch a clock.
None of us know how much time we have to be here on earth, how much time we have to live. The clock was created by man. God created life. Life is time. That bears repeating. God did not create time, but rather, He created life. The passing of time is the passing of life.
Our life here on earth is a journey back to God. To help us on our journey, God gave us His only Son, Jesus Christ to show us the way, and to bring us home to Him. If you have not yet found Jesus and let Him into your life, stop watching the clock, for the time is now. Wake up; seek Him, become one in flesh with Him, and let Him show you the way home.