“You must not turn aside, for then you would go after futile things which can not profit or deliver, because they are futile. For the LORD will not abandon His people on account of His great name; because the LORD has been pleased to make you a people for Himself.” Samuel 12:21-22
We all go through our ups and downs or times when we feel we are just spinning our wheels and getting nowhere. Spiritually one can also be in the doldrums, a desert, or lost and feeling abandoned. We may feel we have been left out in the cold and nothing can make us feel warm again.
If we are a people of faith, a people of hope; if we are believers in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, we know in our minds and through our faith that this is not the end all. We wait, we hope, we believe better times are to come. We believe in the Life that is to come because we are eternal beings. We know this is just one phase of our eternity, and that it is a passing phase.
Knowing in our minds, or trusting in our faith is different from feeling in our heart. When we feel lost or abandoned it is precisely because we feel with our heart. Our soul, however, knows better and it is our soul we must reconnect with.
Our times of abandonment may be necessary in order to serve as a wake up call from God to get with the program. Maybe we have been floating along, actually doing well, but possibly taking all for granted. Our efforts fade as we float along in smug comfort and we find ourselves no longer going the extra mile or giving our very best. We just are. But, how do we reconnect with our inner spirit, our soul, our God? We pray, we learn, and we wait.
Pray always, because Jesus is the life-line. He is the Way. Learn continuously about Jesus and your faith, because we never have all the answers. He is the answer to every question. Wait patiently to be called upon again, because He works all things good for those who love Him. Jesus sacrificed all so we could Live in Eternity with Him.
Time spent in prayer, time spent in learning more about Jesus, and time spent waiting to be called upon is never wasted. Time spent in these ways may make our time in the desert, or our time left out in the cold, the most profitable time ever in terms of Eternity.