“Put these things into practice, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress.” 1 Timothy 4:15
We are each called to be holy, to be saintly. If we are uncomfortable with the thought of being holy it is most likely because we see how far we have to go. I have often thought that once achieved, once saintly, the journey is over and we will be called to heaven to give praise and glory to God along with all the angels and saints who already there. That too could make some of us uncomfortable with the idea of actually achieving holiness. We might not be ready to leave just yet!
Because we are each a work in progress, God is not yet finished with us. He has plans for us, and while the journey may be mercifully hidden from us the destination is made to beckon to us on an intrinsic level that draws us ever toward it. Our destiny is heaven, our journey is life, and it is our soul within that yearns to fulfill our destiny by achieving holiness and gaining Life Everlasting in heaven as our reward.
As a work in progress toward our ultimate destination, we each look for the easiest most most straight-forward path to get us there. By exercising our God-given free will, we often divert from the path, but the yearning in our soul brings us back and leads us onward and upward. As we progress we find our way along a path unique to us, a path laid out for us by God.
When we discover our unique path, we are in sync with our destiny. We may still be imperfect, but we are well aware we are along the right path. We have joy in our hearts and we are a joy to behold in the eyes of all.
Have you been feeling a little nudge lately? Is there something God is calling out to you to do, and yet, you are unsure? Don’t ignore His nudge. Pray for His loving guidance, and devote yourself to His call. Let others see as you answer His call and bear witness. Don’t worry about being perfect. Remember, you are a work in progress. You are His work in progress.
Putting myself out there publicly, by sharing my personal spiritual journal with everyone, was never something I imagined myself doing, not in a million years. And, while I have always had a desire to write, developing a website by myself and writing blog posts on a regular basis was such a far stretch of my imagination, that I am in constant awe of what He can do with a work in progress who is willing to listen for, hear, and then act on what God is calling them to do! If I can do this, I humbly submit that you can too.
What is it He is calling you to do? Don’t know? Just ask. He will not disappoint! Nor will He leave you to do it by yourself for He will be ever at your side.