Lord, You are El Shaddai
Forgive me, Lord, when I focus on lack of instead on supply. Forgive me when I see only what isn’t there and not what is. Forgive me when I focus on what I want and not what I need.
Thank you, Lord, for all your sufficient loving care and attention to every detail in my life. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness to me even when I whine, complain, and attempt to thwart your plans for me at every turn.
“Lord, I Want To Know You,” by Kay Arthur, is a beautiful book written as a study on the Names of God. El Shaddai is one of those names. Most often translated as God Almighty, Kay Arthur, also explains how some scholars lean more toward a translation of All-Sufficient One. I know God is powerful, but I love the added dimension of sufficient unto all my needs. She beautifully explains how we can never know Him as all-sufficient apart from knowing Him as our Lord and Master.
As servants of the Lord we can truly know His provision. He provides for our every need that we may serve His. There is nothing we shall want for He is our El Shaddai.