“Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am faint; heal me, LORD, for my bones are in agony. My soul is in deep anguish.” Psalm 6:2-3
God Calling, A.J. Russel: August 17 – Sunshine helps to make glad the heart of man. It is the laughter of Nature.” “My nurse for tired souls and weary bodies. Let her have her way with you.”
God provides rejuvenation, healing, and growth through nature if we but take the time to allow it. When we are weary, when are souls are tired, we can step out into the sunshine and let ourselves be surrounded by His Light. We can breathe in His Divine Spirit and draw near to Him. We can feel His presence surround us and wash over us in peaceful bliss.
Nature is His gift to us … Go ahead, let her have her way with you.