“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
Today I am sharing an entry from Journey Through The Stillness, my personal spiritual journal shared publicly on facebook. The reason for sharing this particular entry is that it perfectly illustrates what Stillness before Our Lord is like for me. Please know that this is not something that just all of a sudden came to be in my life. I had years of coming to Him through my prayers and daily journaling before I came to Him and He came to Me in The Stillness. Also know that every person’s faith journey is unique to them. No one can tell you exactly how yours should be. I share this as an example of how it can be, how it is for me. Having said this, do know that everyone is capable of having a very deep and personal relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All He asks is that you come to Him.
August 12, 2010 – Today it is Jesus as I have known Him from the very beginning, my Heavily Robed Jesus. He takes me onto His lap where I can lean my head and rest on His shoulder. As I do, I am going through my list of issues, my concerns, my perceived problems, and they are many. As I do this, one by one they melt away. Whether they are about my body, my health, my emotional hurts, my to-do list, my inadequacies, my failures, my faults, my sins, my hopes and fears about myself or my loved ones and friends, one by one they slough off to the floor, and I am empty. And then He fills me. He fills me with His compassion, His comfort, His peace, His joy, His love. Now I am going through a quite different list. It is one of blessings, of hopes and desires fulfilled, of gifts of love received, of security, of faith. And when I rise from His lap I am lifting up thoughts and praises of thanksgiving. I am strong and the world awaits. I am ready to go forth with Him at my side, with Him IN me, for I am IN Him and He is IN me.