“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” Romans 8:18-19
The world marches on to the beat of … the world. The world knows nothing of your personal struggles, sorrows, and failures. The world knows nothing of your accomplishments, joys, and battles won. The world marches on with or without you. To the world you are just a puny itch on its surface. Yes, just a puny itch!
There is One, however, who sees and knows every breath you take in and let out, who hears your sighs, and feels your pain. There is One who knows when you smile and why; One who knows when you are fulfilled and complete. One who is waiting to be revealed in and through you.
The One who knows these things knows all. How does He know, and why does He care? It can be no other way, for He is God, The Father, The Creator of all that exists.
When you create something, you care about your creation. You do not like to see your creation trashed or disrespected by others. Whether it be artwork, a pot roast, a business plan or proposal, or a sandcastle, you do what you can to protect it, to defend it. And, if it is your child, you do so with your own life if necessary.
See the One who created you in the same way He sees you. You exist because of and for Him. He is the all-powerful creator of the universe. He is FOR you. Seek to know Him. Seek to know what makes Him smile, what saddens Him, and what burdens Him, just as He does you.
Live in and through Him. To the world you are just that puny itch on its surface. To the One who created all, you are life, you are the world. Oh, if only everyone would march to the beat of The Creator and not that of the world.