Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011. Saint Catherine of Siena is buried beneath the altar, and to the left is a statue carved by Michelangelo -Christ Bearing The Cross.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
Those of you who have followed my writings for some time know how I added stillness to my prayer routine at the beginning of 2010, and how it transformed my life. My prayer life was already full and rich, and over the years, I had come to feel that I had a close relationship with God. I always tried to follow what I thought was His will for my life, but because I was doing all the talking, I could never be sure.
Sitting still was not in my repertoire; it was not something that would come easily for me. I was a busy woman. I had a life! Too many others depended on me. I didn’t think I had time to be still. After coming up with my 2010 personal mission statement, in which I vowed to add stillness to my prayer time, I had to at least give it a try. If I wanted to know where God was leading me, I needed to listen to Him. When I asked God to lead me to ‘what is mine to do’, I needed to wait for an answer!
At first, I had to really fight for it. I had to will myself to sit there, mind racing, toes tapping, and nose twitching! I realized this was not going to happen at all if I didn’t develop some sort or routine to prepare me to sit there. I needed to calm myself in order to calm my mind. So, I did what I do best, I talked. I asked God if He was there? There is an old adage, don’t ask if you don’t want to know!
Actually, first, I created a place in my room conducive to prayer and meditation. I placed artwork and religious symbols there to help me focus. I created the following routine to facilitate stillness. I began by reading in my Bible, other inspirational materials, and daily devotionals. Just prior to stillness I read specific prayers that helped me to center my thoughts on Him, and to consecrate myself to Him. Only then did I ask, “Are you there, Lord?” Ever since the very first time, the answer is always the same, “Yes, Martha, I am here. Remember, I am always here, for I am in you and you are in Me.” I reply, “Yes, Lord, I remember. You are in me and I am in You.” He says, “Well, then, Martha, be still. Know that I and God.” And, I answer, “Yes, Lord, I will be still, for you are my God…” I bow my head and envision Jesus placing His hands in blessing upon my head.
From the beginning I was aware there was something very different about this prayer time. I felt He was leading me. Right from the start I felt there were things that needed to be written down. I began to keep a daily journal of what was happening during my time in stillness before Him. At first, it was somewhat disjointed; just simple statements that I felt led to write down. As I fully realized what was happening I began to keep a more detailed record, writing down exactly what was taking place and exactly what I felt He wanted said. I was determined not to add anything of myself. I emphasized only the words that He emphasized. Often times it would come so fast that I would write in a frenzy afterwards, lest I forget! Over time He led me to start writing while in the stillness.
It was at this point “Journey Through The Stillness” was born. It was at this point that stillness became Stillness. I was truly in His presence. I was both humbled and awed. I asked how He could deign to speak with me, and the answer was always the same, “I love you, you are my child.” I soon learned that with this blessing came responsibility. Prayer time would never be the same! In The Stillness I discerned what was mine to do, and ever since, I have faithfully tried to carry out His will. I have stepped out in faith, and I have been stretched in ways beyond anything I could imagine. At His bidding, I share my very private, personal spiritual journal publicly on Facebook for all who care to follow along. At His bidding, I have developed this website and daily blog, where He never ceases to amaze me, as He provides all that is necessary to accomplish His goals. I am in awe of Him.
Stillness has transformed me; it has transformed my life. I, now, cannot imagine my prayer life without Stillness. I pray that each of you will also make it a priority to add stillness to your prayer life, and then, make sure you wait for Him to answer. My prayer is that it will go from stillness to Stillness for you also. Don’t hesitate to seek his presence … He is already there, waiting for you in The Stillness.

Wonderful explanation, Martha!! I really enjoy your posts and your website. You are inspiring!
Thank you, Judy! He inspires me and then you! Blessings to you…:))