Have a blessed Good Friday everyone. Today I share from my personal spiritual journal, entitled “Journey Through The Stillness”. Through His Body and Blood we are saved…
November 17, 2010 – My Crucified Lord is here. As one time before He places His wounded hands in a chain lock with mine. He sees that I am shaken by this and begins to kneel before me. Seeing that this bothers me intensely He stands and brings me to standing also, hands still locked together. He says, “This is the bond you must protect. NEVER let it be taken from you. I have shed my BLOOD for you; I have given up my BODY. This is the bond that is LIFE giving. The world knows Me not as I truly AM. My Body and Blood is the GATEWAY for ALL. The world knows Me not. You are my messenger, child. Go, and tell ALL, that they must eat of the Fruit of The Vine. They must BELIEVE I AM the Fruit.” (Personal thoughts – I can honestly say that when I enter into The Stillness I never know what is coming. When I type it to post publicly I relive each moment. It is then that I too see a pattern evolving, or a theme, or a particular message to be delivered. Today is obviously the crescendo of the previous few messages, and also the crux of the entire Stillness. The message is strong and clear – Through His Body and Blood we are delivered. Through the Eucharist we are made whole in the physical union with Christ, Our LORD and SAVIOR.)