The following is from Journey Through The Stillness, my personal spiritual journal shared publicly on facebook. It is good Lenten food for thought…
Apr 6, 2010 – Today as I go into The Stillness I am thinking about how I continue to repeat my sins over and over again. Even though I am truly sorry, I must not be sorry enough. Jesus says to me, “When you hear the inner voice, just stop. If that voice is not enough then see Me on the Cross, and if that is STILL not enough to stop you, then remember that the pain of the Crucifixion was not my greatest pain … it was the weight of your sins when I had to carry the cross. That is what caused, and causes Me to this day, the most suffering. You KNOW Me and continue to sin. How can I expect those who don’t know Me to come to Me, when those who do know Me cannot. Pray for increased strength, Martha, and I will help you. You are mine, and I am yours.”
Indeed, if we who profess to know Him cannot give ourselves completely over to Him, how then can we lead others to do so? As we go through Lent striving to be closer in union with Jesus, let us ask His help in trusting Him enough to let go of self and to let others see that we have.
God bless each of us on our own personal faith journey.