View of upper facade of the Duomo, The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Italy, 2012, taken by Martha M Wiggins
“Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.” Psalm 143:8
For some ‘living in constant prayer’ may sound like a just figure of speech, an unattainable goal, a myth, or even a luxury. In truth, most believe that living in constant prayer is something only a Saint could achieve. The real truth is that spending time in daily prayer and stillness before Our Lord is a must for survival in this world. Prayer is our link to that other world God has so lovingly prepared for us. Heaven patiently awaits each and every one of us.
Most of us don’t have the luxury of spending great amounts of time on our knees in prayer. We have jobs and family responsibilities that pull us out into this world even though we might wish to remain in the ‘other’ world. While we may not be to able to remain kneeling in prayer, we can live in prayer. The Saints actually were holy people who lived their lives in prayer. The key word is live. They went about their daily tasks and lives as they offered all up to God, remaining constantly in His Sight, and thereby His Grace. When we offer up all that we are, think, do and say to Our Lord, our thoughts and actions become linked to Him in a way that is very pleasing to Him. When we are linked to Him we remain in constant prayer.
Being holy is something each one of us is called to, and is something each one of us is capable of being in our own everyday, normal life routines. None of us start out as Saints. Striving to live in constant prayer is along the path to holiness, and we must train our minds to do so. We can begin each day offering up all of the day’s prayers, works, joys, sacrifices and sufferings. I also like to include, “Lord, I offer up to you all that I am, and all that I am not, for I know your Holy Spirit will see where I am lacking and make it complete in your Sight.” Then, throughout our day, especially when feeling stressed or inadequate, we can call to mind our offering. We can recommit knowing He will always take our efforts and bless them, making us holy in His Sight.
May God bless each and every one of us as we strive to be holy through our effort to live in constant prayer.