“So now come, let us make a covenant, you and I, and let it be a witness between you and me.” Genesis 31:44
The following is an entry fr0m Journey Through The Stillness (My personal spiritual journal shared on facebook.)
September 1, 2010 – He tilts my face up to look into His eyes. He says, “Just you and Me today, Martha. Let go of everyone else and everything else. Sometimes you let your mind runaway with you, take you hostage. You worry so about others and those you love. Pray and let go. Pray and let go. Help where needed and move on to the next one to help. Give of yourself but always mindful of and guarding your own Spirit within. Just as a prisoner for life can sometimes have the sentence commuted, so too can everyone. LEAD them to Me and then LEAVE them with Me. It is mine to resolve. Each one has a different circumstance, a different need. Love all. Continue to strive for this in your own life. Lead by example. Remember, Martha, it really is just you and Me.”
We often allow our thoughts and actions, even though they may be good and well intentioned, to take and hold us hostage. Jesus wants us to release all to Him. Jesus wants us to pray, help, and lead others, but to never lose sight of our own oneness with Him. We must remember that at the crux of all is Jesus. No one thing, even in its goodness, can become so important or all encompassing, that we allow it to overtake us. If so, we are no longer operating from within Jesus, but outside of Him. We are no longer living in and through Him.
We must be ever vigilant. We must always be on guard that our relationship with Jesus is front and center. Make it about just Him and you. Then all else will fall into place. Pray, help, lead, and let go. Leave the outcome with Him.