“Then you will understand what is right and just and fair – every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be present to your soul. Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.” Proverbs 2:9-11
No one knows you like God does. He created you.
When we seek advice or evaluation from someone, we are looking for direction or acceptance. While the direction or acceptance we receive might be worthwhile and valuable to us it is not the absolute best advice we can get. When we seek the advice of others, we must then turn to God and seek His wisdom about it also, for no one truly knows us as our creator does. The same holds true for unsolicited or unwanted advice. It may be even more important then, especially when we hear something unsolicited that we don’t want to hear about ourselves.
Whether advice is sought out or unwanted, in both instances, we must turn to God to discern what is correct, to discern the truth. In this way, no one else can ever truly hurt us, for they cannot know us in the way He does. They cannot not know our inner most being. When we seek His wisdom and truth we can then know our own truth, and we can then accept ourselves without needing the opinions of others.
It is also important to remember, whether solicited or unsolicited, when someone offers critique of us, our situation, or our actions, they are operating within their own realm of reality or truth. Just like us, everything they think, do, or say is rooted in their own experiences and in their own personal vision of the world. Keeping this in mind helps us to see their words, their reactions, and our own, in a different, more knowing light, in God’s Light.
Every person’s reality is unique, and knowing this, we can then hear and accept what they say without over reacting. We can understand that they think they know us intimately, and that they think they know what is best for us. We can take what they say and then turn to God for His counsel, His wisdom.
And, it helps to know that God is waiting to give us a personal consultation on any matter. It is free for the asking, and He is open for business 24/7.