“Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.” Proverbs 15:30
Optimistic — anticipating the best possible outcome (Merriam-Webster)
I have always been joyfully optimistic, at times even accused of being optimistic to a fault, and at times almost like it is a disease. I can honestly say such accusations never once made me reconsider my approach to life. I have remained ever optimistic. In fact, I intend to leave a legacy of joy!
There are many reasons why being optimistic is a good thing. The number one physical reason is the good health associated with a good outlook. Spiritually, however, being optimistic has an entirely different benefit. Being optimistic in our faith brings us a deep inner joy. Once experienced, this true inner joy in God can never be taken from us unless we allow it to be.
A true optimistic outlook does not ignore the reality of pain and suffering, but knows that even in times of distress, failure, or anguish, the Good News is still real. It is still our destiny through times of trouble, even in the valley of the shadow of death. It is still the end game.
A true optimistic outlook views trials and troubles as learning experiences, as growth toward the ultimate goal. It doesn’t lessen the pain and suffering, but it lessens the impact of that pain and suffering. We do not allow the pain and suffering to become us, or to define who we are. We remain, beneath it all, a person of hope, a person of joy.
Being spiritually optimistic allows us to set example of how to live and persevere in times of struggle. In our optimistic outlook we are never defeated. We set example because others are watching, wondering, and eventually wanting to know our secret. They see our joy, and desire it for themselves. We share the Good News through our thoughts, words, and deeds. We pass on our enthusiasm, our optimism, and our faith to those we love, and to those we may not love so much. We can’t help it, it is just who we are.
The Good News is there for all of us. Look for it and learn about it in God’s Word, The Bible. Look for it in others, and all around you. Look for it within yourself, and then pass it on. Share the Good News of the joy found in Jesus Christ, and leave a legacy of joy that will last for generation upon generation.