“Love … bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:4, 7
We all feel unwanted, unappreciated, unloved at different times in our lives and by different people in our lives. It may be a boss who doesn’t treat us with respect, a spouse who ignores or treats us with indifference, or friends who let us down by their actions or in-actions. Some of us live in abuse, despair, or sickness, and wonder where Divine Love is in the midst of our suffering and pain. Under these circumstances it does not take long for our spirit to close.
With a closed spirit we shut out everyone and everything. We go through the motions of living, but we are not alive. We look for God, for Divine Love, all around us but can’t seem to find it. We see others that seem to have it, but for us it is elusive. Just as an old song says, we are looking for love in all the wrong places. We look for it outside ourselves, when truly, we must look within. Divine Love is deep within our own hearts. We are created by God in love, of love, and for love. We are love.
We must look deep within to discover just how wonderfully and intricately we are formed. In doing so, we will discover or rediscover His love. We will find the Divine Love that is at our very core. As we feel, or at least start to acknowledge, His Love for us we will begin to see ourselves and treat ourselves more lovingly. Realizing that no outside force or human being can alter the Divine Love within us, we will radiate that same love to others, we will share that same love with others.
Spend some time during this Advent season looking within to discover or rediscover why He loves you. As we grow in love for ourselves, we grow in love for God, our Creator. As we grow in love for Him, we grow in Divine Love … we are Divine Love.

Dear Martha, this was discussed at my weekly Cursillo group last night, and while I’ve received each posting via FB, I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never taken the time to ever read it. I just woke up (4 am) and I’m wide awake. God has ‘nudged’ me here and I want to thank you for sharing your gift! Stillness is near impossible for me, but I’m going with your beautiful SIL, Paula, this weekend for our Consoling the Heart of Jesus SILENT retreat. A challenge to be sure! Many blessings to you and thanks be to God!
Jesus is always ‘telling’ me that it is mine to share Him, but His to work in the hearts and souls of those who read what I share. This must be your specific time to reap some rewards from His words to me. It is wonderful that you have opened yourself up for Him to enter. I thank you so much for letting me know this, as I seldom get to learn about those He is working in. It warms my heart and humbles me to the core to actually see His loving Hands at work through something I have shared on His behalf. He told me long ago that I am His daugher, and then said, “And what daughter would not speak out on her Father’s behalf?” I will be keeping all of you in prayers for your special retreat. Please keep us in yours as we care for Paula’s Mom while she is away.