The Last Supper, part of a four tapestry series on the Passion, ca 1520-30, Vatican Museum, taken 2012 by Martha Wiggins
First and foremost, in all things, do no harm.
The very first entry in my personal spiritual journal, Journey Through The Stillness, reads as follows:
January 4, 2010 – The Lord said, “First and foremost, in all things, do no harm. Practice this.”
At that time I had absolutely no idea what was in store for me along my spiritual journey, but felt urged to write it down. Looking back on it, I now see that Jesus has led me step by step along my path. Feeling the need to re-experience it, I have recently gone back to the very beginning and am reading it a little at a time, both to savor it and to gain anything new from it that He would lead me to.
My first thoughts were about how disjointed the early posts seemed, but as I continued on I realized that there was a definite flow, a definite building and growth in each. These entries were my stepping stones into greater faith and trust in Him.
Looking at this first entry, I now see that He started very simply with me because I have such a simple faith. It is much deeper than ever, but still very simple and child-like. If you are looking for someplace to start then start simply. Look at this first entry. While it might not be so easy to do, it is very direct and simple. Try asking yourself this simple question before you think, act, or speak, “Does this harm anyone, or anything, even myself?” Start there and begin to transform yourself more and more into the image and likeness of Christ. He did no harm.