I have posted previously about The Imitation of Christ, a devotional written in the 15th century whose authorship is attributed to Thomas a Kempis. Second only to the Bible as the most widely read book in the world, it is written in order to help the devout soul achieve holiness. Many life topics are addressed in a beautifully rich way. Today I will share two. Read slowly… absorb.
The Vanity of Earthly Things
It is vanity to seek perishing riches, and to trust in them. Vanity, also, it is, to court honors, and to lift one’s self on high. It is vanity to flow the desires of the flesh; and to desire that, for which hereafter there must be a heavy penalty. It is vanity to wish a long life, and to take but little pains about a good life. It is vanity to attend only to the present life, and not to look forward to the things that are to come. It is vanity to love what is passing away with all speed, and not to be hasting thither where endless joy abideth. (I. 1.)
The riches of this world are perishing. You can’t take them with you. In fact, desiring them may bring much pain and suffering in the hereafter! Loving this life so much that you never want to leave it and never considering how to live, and not looking forward to the next life is futal and empty. Eternal Life is where joy abideth!
True Wisdom
The highest and most useful lesson we can learn is this, to know truly and to look down upon ourselves. To think nothing of ourselves, and always to judge well and highly of others, is great wisdom and high perfection. (I. 2.)
Just as location is everything in real estate, in life it is humility, humility, humility! A wonderful by-product of humility is the lifting up of others over ourselves. Persevering in thinking well and highly of others in all things and at all times is a true test of wisdom and perfection.
Sometimes we need guidance or a road map in dealing with life, in dealing with ourselves and with others. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis is simple and straightforward, great advice for all souls looking to achieve holiness. When turned to frequently whether in need or for study and wisdom it is absorbed by our soul. The more it is absorbed by our soul, the more we find our way on our personal path to holiness.