Besides my Journey Through The Stillness, I have previously mentioned that I also keep a daily prayer journal. It is more personal. Over the years I have come to call it my Book of Answered Prayers. I am not saying that all of my prayers are answered exactly how I want them to be, or how I expect them to be, but having kept my journals throughout the years, I have been witness to the fact that they are answered or resolved. At times my prayers are very specific and personal, naming names and detailing situations. At other times they are more generic but still personal. Today I am sharing one of the more generic pages as an example. If you have never done prayer journaling, consider giving it a try. It is amazing to see how God answers prayers and meets needs…
Good morning, Lord.
You are Abundant Life. Forgive me, Lord, when through my selfishness and self-centeredness I see lack instead of abundance. Thank you, Lord, for all that is You in my life. Help me ever to focus on the abundance of You and not the lack according to the greed of this worldly life.
Bless, protect, and guide Turner and I, each of our children, family members and friends. Lead us each to You and keep us ever close, beneath your wings. Meet our needs and fulfill our desires wherever possible and according to your will.
Bless and strengthen our Nation and guide our leaders. May the outcomes of the fall elections serve only your greater glory and bring this Nation and its people to your altar.
Bless The Church, her mission, and all who hunger for You. Bless all for whom I have offered to pray, and especially those I may have forgotten.
Bless our home and our pets, especially Shadow right now.
Love, Martha
Aside: I end every page with ‘bless our home and our pets’ just because. This is also where many of the short prayers beginning ‘Lord, You are…’ come from. To learn more about this type of prayer journaling see previous Orbital Buzz posts, “A Private Peek”, dated March 14, 2011, and “A House In Ruins”, which recently ran as a repeat on July 10, 2012.