The Last Supper, part of a four tapestry series on the Passion, ca 1520-30, Vatican Museum, taken 2012 by Martha Wiggins
Sometimes when I am in my regular prayer routine, prior to entering into Stillness before God, I feel constant nudges to write. I usually respond by picking up paper and pencil, letting the nudges guide me. Today was such a time. I have mentioned previously that I have an affinity for lost souls. I feel that God has charged me with praying for them…
Jesus, Lover of all souls, through thy infinite love and unbinding mercy; through thy sacrificial passion and death; wash clean in thy saving blood the sinners of the world who are now in death’s agony, most especially have mercy on those who will die this day, and during this prayer.
Jesus, Lover of all souls, extend Thy saving grace of mercy to all the souls in Purgatory who are now suffering in the agony of their sins, especially those souls who have offended Thee the deepest and are most in need of Thy mercy. Hear their cries and our pleas, O merciful Jesus, and quickly end their reparations that they may enter into the full communion of Everlasting Life with Thee.
Jesus, lover of all souls, have mercy on them all.