Inside the Pantheon at the tomb of the famours artist Raphael is The Madonna del Sasso, by Lorenzetto, a student of Raphael. Photo taken in 2011 by Martha Wiggins.
As an artist I am always in awe of and inspired by the talent of others, whether it be a painting, a statue, a photograph, or some other type of artwork. When I create I have a feeling of accomplishment. When I help others create I have a feeling of acceptance and of being needed. At the same time I feel I have made a contribution; I feel worthwhile.
We don’t have to be an actual artist to appreciate art. We only have to be interested enough to view it with a discerning eye. Things in art are not always what they first seem to be. Often, as we look more closely, or move farther away, or change our perspective on the art, we begin to see more. Maybe we notice the relationship of colors, the direction of light flow, the sharpness in contrast, or maybe we begin to see subtle themes. As we look, we find ourselves immersed within the art, we become one with it.
Each one of us are the handiwork of God our Creator. It might be a good idea to view each other as works of art. Look closer, change our perspective, and really see the essence of each being. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself immersed within the art of someone as you notice their nuances, the way they light up at certain things, or become quiet and withdrawn when uncomfortable. Maybe you will begin to see subtle themes in them, to understand them better, to appreciate them as treasured and valued art.
A note of interest: Raphael, the famous Renaissance painter, is buried in the Pantheon in Rome. The following is inscribed on his tomb: “Here lies Raphael, by whom Nature feared to be outdone while he lived, and when he died, feared that she herself would die.”