The Imitation of Christ is a devotional written in the 15th century whose authorship is attributed to Thomas a Kempis. It is written in order to help the devout soul achieve holiness. In other words, a road map to traverse through many of life’s different situations and through personal and spiritual development. The following is an excerpt from The Imitation of Christ, Book Three, Chapter 23. For many of us life rides like a roller-coaster with steep climbs and deep plunges. To stay the course it says we must not focus on the fluctuating feelings within, but instead remain above it steadfastly fixing our gaze on Christ. In doing so we will remain unshaken regardless what winds blow our way. Google this beautiful devotional and sample some of the writings. You will be richer for doing so and maybe even understand yourself in new way. You may find the advice offered within to be life changing. God Bless.
“My Son, trust not thy feeling, for that which is now will be quickly changed into somewhat else. As long as thou livest thou art subject to change, howsoever unwilling; so that thou art found now joyful, now sad; now at peace, now disquieted; now devout, now indevout; now studious, now careless; now sad, now cheerful. But the wise man, and he who is truly learned in spirit, standeth above these changeable things, attentive not to what he may feel in himself, or from what quarter the wind may blow, but that the whole intent of his mind may carry him on to the due and much-desired end. For thus will he be able to remain one and the same and unshaken, the single eye of his desire being steadfastly fixed, through the manifold changes of the world, upon Me. (The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XXIII)