A beautiful way to begin each morning in prayer is to offer oneself and everything in the day to come up to God…
Prayer: My Lord, and my God. Today I offer up to You all distractions, sufferings, consolations, and joy. I offer up to you all that I think, do, and say; all that I am. May all that I offer be pleasing to You and serve as a constant prayer on behalf of all souls, both living and dead; especially those souls in purgatory; those souls who will die this day, and those dying at this very moment; those most in need of thy mercy; and most especially those souls who are not seeking You, who do not hear You knock. If this be pleasing, Lord, then I also offer up to You the souls I love the most; my husband, children, and myself. All this I ask in your name, Lord, through your most Holy and Immaculate Mother, Mary; through your Divine Mercy; and through your Most Sacred Heart within. Amen. (April 20, 2010 – Journey Through The Stillness, written by Martha Wiggins)