Ever looking for that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
A rainbow is made by colorless light passing through droplets of water allowing us to see it in the physical sense and realm of the colors produced. When light shines on an object it can be either absorbed or reflected back. Water, however, allows light to pass through it while reflecting it back. This is not meant in any way to be a scientific explanation, but rather an observation and thoughts.
With these thoughts in mind, let us think about the pot of gold that is supposed to be at the end of every rainbow. If it exists, it is absorbing the light that passes through the droplets of water that form the rainbow. In absorbing the light it begins to take on a glow of its own until it shines brightly for all to see. And yet, few ever find that pot of gold. Maybe they are blinded by its light. Maybe they just aren’t looking hard enough. Maybe the colors of the rainbow are blocking its reflection! For whatever reason that pot of gold remains elusive.
We can look and look for that pot of gold, but until we are able to remove our blinders, or until we want it so bad we are willing to give up everything for it, we will not find it. Until we are able to let the light pass through us while reflecting it back, the colors of the rainbow will block its beauty from us.
Does this all seem a little confusing? Try picturing the rainbow as the world, the droplets of water as mankind, the light as Jesus, and the pot of gold as heaven.
In honor of His Crucifixion and His Ressurection … To those of you who are constantly looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, IT IS IN HEAVEN, and THE RAINBOW STARTS AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS.
Start in prayer, or silence, at the foot of His Cross. Absorb His Light so that you can begin to glow reflecting it back to others. Your reward will be great. Your reward will be the gold lined streets of heaven!