The following is a repost from April, 2011…
“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9:10
This post is from an entry in Journey Through The Stillness (My personal spiritual journal shared publicly on Facebook). It is another post where we see the Passion of Jesus through the eyes of His Beloved Mother, Mary.
May 11, 2010 – Rosary, before The Stillness
Today I am prompted to pray the Rosary while riding my elliptical, yet, before The Stillness, I was planning to ride the elliptical and read in a leisure book after The Stillness. At first, I fought that prompt of the Rosary. (You’d think I’d know better by now!) Giving in and beginning the Rosary, I realize right away that I will be praying the Sorrowful Mysteries (Tues), which go through Our Lord’s Passion. However, I am praying it, once again, with Mary accompanying me. I am reflecting on her pain and sorrow along with Our Lord’s. We see all that happens, and as a Mom I am heartsick, for both of them. I have many times imagined the weight of The Cross (my sins), but today I am running along the path with her, ahead of the crowd, in order to catch a glimpse. Imagine breaking through into the street and looking for Him. And then, looking straight on, you see Him, but not from the side. He is bent over in half from the weight, and yet, His face is turned upward to God. He is dragging Himself and The Cross longing for, seeking His Father’s comfort, His Father’s approval. When all is done, and the Rosary is finished, I ask Mary, “How did you do it? How did you not scream out in torment and collapse from the pain? Just thinking of my own son in this way causes my breath to quicken and my heart to race!” Mary answers, “Because I TRUST. I trust in My Father’s great love for His Son, and for me. It was Him, who gave me strength.”
The first thing I read after the Rosary was in “Love, Peace, and Joy”, pg 92, in the words of Jesus … “Behold, I come to do Thy Will, O God.” (Heb. 10:9) “I acknowledge Thee for my Creator and Sovereign Master, and my heart submits itself entirely to Thee. Thou hast given me my body, and all that I possess. I come to sacrifice my whole being unto Thee, in the acknowledgment of my entire dependence.” And then, as to how a soul might imitate such complete surrender … “Can the Eucharistic soul do better than appropriate to herself these sentiments of the Heart of Jesus when He enters the sanctuary, in order to recognize with Him and by Him the sovereign domain of God, to submit to it with her whole heart and abandon herself to it without reserve? “ Mary said all of this in one word, “TRUST”. This is hard to blindly do when you know in your heart that this pertains to someone you love; as I do. And yet, I will submit my will, Lord. Let it be according to your will.