“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1
I am hoping everyone had a joyful and blessed Christmas. As I write this particular post my Christmas awaits me, a beautiful gift as yet unwrapped. Along with my husband and son, we are awaiting the arrival of my son and his fiance, and then my daughter, her husband, and our first grandchild. For me, this is Christmas, this is my gift. It is a simple gift, a gift of love, both given and received.
The gift giving celebration of Christmas morning is only a small part of our time spent together. While that will be fun and filled with love, the meals and conversations we share will be even more rewarding. We will attend Christmas Eve Mass as a family, my 93 year old Dad included, where we will relive the Christmas Story; where we will pray together for one another and for all on earth. Afterwards, we will share a very special meal together. Christmas Day our gathering with family and friends will bring even more love and a warm glow into our home. This is Christmas for me. It is a simple gift, a gift of love shared.
The presents are not all wrapped yet, and there is still much food preparation to be done. I know my daughter will help me. We enjoy each other and we make a good team! I also know my daughter-in-law to be will pitch in and help in all the preparations and festivities. We are blessed to have her join our family. My sons will banter with each other and with their Dad. They will one up each other as much as possible! They will fuss when I ask them to help, but will do so. They will tease me relentlessly and I will laughingly protest! I will feel extra tugs at my heart watching my husband enjoy our children. This is Christmas for me. It is a simple gift, a gift of love cherished.
I believe this IS the message of Christmas. It is a message of love, love freely given and received. I also believe He has called upon me to put His message forth in a simple way. Because I have a simple Faith I share a simple Faith. It is so simple that all can understand it and relate it to their own lives. It is so simple it is hard to ignore, hard to miss the message. Sometimes we make it all more complicated than it is.
The true message of Christmas is simple. It is the message of Love: to be Loved and share Love. My Christmas awaits me. It will be filled with simple Love, it will be filled with His Love. May we all carry this message forward as we enter into the New Year!