“All things should be done decently and in order.” 1 Corinthians 14:40
What to do; what to do … so many lists and not enough time! Does it seem as if your lists keep growing and the time keeps shrinking? How do you decide what to do and what to let go of?
We know about Santa’s making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and who is nice. What if we make our list and use a different criteria when checking it twice? What if we look at the items to be accomplished within the time we have at hand and discard those which serve no “higher purpose”? What does that which we are about to buy accomplish? Does the gift to be purchased bring someone true love and lasing joy, or is it just a trinket given in some sense of obligation. Will the recipient feel our real love? Does that which we are about to ‘do’ foster the true meaning and Spirit of Christmas in the hearts of others; or, is it just something to make us look good in the eyes of others?
This Advent, when we evaluate our Christmas lists using these simple questions, we will find it much easier to weed out items on the lists. When we evaluate the gifts we buy and the things we do with serving a higher purpose in mind, we will suddenly find there is more time to accomplish all that is needed, all that is good. So, go ahead, make a list and check it twice!