“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.” – John 1:9
It is that time of year where we reach out to others with best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, a.k.a. the Christmas card. With all of the political correctness surrounding the celebration of any Christian holiday it is a wonder anyone sends cards at all. If it says Merry Christmas it is certain to offend those who don’t consider Christ in Christmas anymore, seeing it only as a secular Santa celebration. It might also offend someone of any other than Christian religion. If it says Happy Holidays, you wonder if your Christian and Catholic friends will wonder if you are trying to be politically correct. Who knew sending a simple card could be so confusing!
I personally choose to send only Christmas cards having a religious theme. I view a Christmas card as not only a greeting but as a reminder of what the Christmas season is truly about … welcoming Jesus into the world and into our hearts. More importantly I view it as a witness. When I sign and send a Christmas card that focuses on Jesus I am actually bearing witness to all of my family and friends that I believe! I let each of them see I celebrate His coming and wish them the Peace, Love, and Joy that His coming can bring to their lives. If you send Christmas cards you might want to give this some thought. If you don’t send Christmas cards, maybe you should!
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!