“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30
Journey Through The Stillness – October 22, 2010 – As I enter into The Stillness, as usual, I am saying, “Yes, Lord, I will be Still, for you ARE God.” Only today, I add, “…and I must admit, Lord, that scares me a little.” He says to me, “And why so today, child?” I tell Him, “It is control, Lord. I know I am not in control, that I cannot pick and choose what will happen to me.” He says, “Yet you have been so good at relinquishing control and allowing my will for your life. Why is it so hard for you now?” I know He knows the answer, but I also know He wants me to lay it on the table before Him and then to drop it at His feet, and I do. He also knows that after dropping it at the foot of The Cross I might just drag it along with me for a ways until I am tired of it. Then I will truly put it there and leave it there. It is a process. I am working on it. For now it is enough for Him. He says, “Go in peace, child. Don’t drag it too far. There is no need to. I am here, always.”
We often times have trouble letting go of certain things, both good and bad. We don’t like to make changes and often continue down the wrong path, or carry around old baggage and burdens because it is just easier. At least it seems to be easier.
The truth is that Jesus is ever waiting to take our burdens from us, if we but ask, if we but bring them to Him. I have a tendancy to take them to Him, lay them at the foot of the Cross, but them pick them back up as I leave and carry them around like a ball and chain. However, He is ever patient, knowing that at some point I will tire of carry them and bring them back to Him for good.
If you have a ball and chain that you keep holding onto and carrying around with you, know that Jesus is waiting for you also to bring it to Him. He understands the process of letting go can take some time, can take more than one try. He loves us more than we can imagine and hates to see us struggling. Don’t carry your ball and chain too far. There is no need to. He is waiting.