“Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you. I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder, knowing that the laying aside of my earthly dwelling is imminent, as also our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.” 2 Peter 1:12-14
Often I yearn for the period of time when The Stillness was beyond anything I could ever imagine. I remember my priest telling me to be prepared for change as though it was inevitable, and thinking to myself that this was so strong, so ‘everything’ that it must and would go on forever.
If you followed along in my Journey Through The Stillness from the beginning, then you know the emotional turmoil along with the ecstasy Jesus brought me through in order to deliver His messages. While The Stillness is still vital to my being, and is still serving to bring His messages to all, it is not the same as it once was. The exhilaration of experiencing Jesus in such a personal way and being spirit led beyond all my limits has become more of a comforting knowledge that I am being led, and that Jesus has my back!
As changes have ocurred in my life so have my responsibilities and so has the time available to me to sit in The Stillness for long periods of time each day. Emotionally, I am still dealing with the fact that I have been thrust back out into the world in ways which are beyond my control, yet I know are in His control. I work hard at carving out the time I need to connect in spirit to Jesus each day, and at times find it difficult to maintain the focus needed to do so. I am still clinging to the old, longing for the old, while trying to be open and adapt to the new. I must say here that He never disappoints me and always rewards my efforts. I am His unfinished work of art, which He chisels and carves on ever so tenderly.
Today, as a reminder to myself and to all, I am sharing an entry from Journey Through The Stillness from October of last year. It reminds me that there will always be times when I need to refocus, but it also reminds me of exactly what must be done to gain that focus –relinquish control –and just exactly what my relationship with Jesus can be when I do so.
Journey Through The Stillness, October 25, 2010 – “Ah, well done, my child. Of late your actual entrance into The Stillness has become just that, a routine, a means to an end. It is wise that you recognize this and do not let it be so. I am your Lord. When you say, ‘for You are God’, remember exactly what this means. Relinquish control anew each and every time you enter The Stillness. It is not something to be rushed through. It must be honest; real; intimate. It is between servant and Master, created and Creator. And then, remember it is between beloved and Lover, breath and Life. Never take this for granted, but know it is ever there for the asking. Ask and ye shall receive.”
Prayer: My Lord, and My God, I lay my life before you. I consecrate to You my heart, body, and soul. I am thine and thine I wish to be. Therefore, I will fear nothing; for evil cannot conquer, cannot overcome, those that live in and through You, My Lord, and My God. Amen