“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6
Today is one of those times when my posts here on Orbital Buzz and my personal spiritual journal come together.
First I am going to share today’s (Monday) actual entry from Journey Through The Stillness. Publicly, Journey Through The Stillness normally runs ten days to two weeks behind the actual entry date. That is my choice as I sometimes personally need some time and space before sharing what takes place in The Stillness publicly.
I had planned at some point to write a post here about living in the Risen Lord, using a Stillness entry from last year as the basis. After entering into The Stillness today, I realized that I am once again being led to share these posts, and to do so now.
April 25, 2011– I am looking at the beautiful, very moving, rendering of my Christ Crowned with Thorns, and my figurine of my Risen Lord. I say to Jesus, “Lord, it is You in your Passion that I can relate to the most because it is I who put You there. It is because of me you suffered such agony.” Jesus says, “Yes, Martha, it is you who put Me there, but look at Me, your Risen Lord. Come to Me your Risen Lord for it is I who put you there! Live in Me now, your Risen Lord. Find your inner Joy once again; find it again in Me.” (Journey Through The Stillness by Martha Wiggins)
Now I will share two prior entries which explain fully how He wants us to live in Him. Bear in mind that He often uses my pets as examples for me because I have a special affinity and love for animals. He knows this and uses it, and with me it always hits the mark!
Apr 11, 2010 – I ask if He is there. I think there is no response, and yet, I have this sense of being urged to switch my figure of Christ carrying the Cross to my one of The Risen Christ. I ask again, “Are You there Lord?” The answer is yes. He says to me, “Find me now in your Risen Lord. Do not focus so much on the Cross. Find your joy, again, in Me as your Risen Lord.” I say, “I feel saddened, because I worked so hard all through Lent to go through your Passion alongside Mary. I saw and felt your pain, Lord. And yet, I fall back and repeat my same sins over and over again. I so desired to be made worthy of your love and sacrifice. How can I ever hope to be worthy when I go on and on as the truly wretched sinner that I am. How do I live in your joy then, Lord?” Jesus says, “It is true, Martha, that when you say or do that which you know to be wrong, I flinch. I flinch just as if to avoid a slap in the face. Sometimes I do not move quickly enough and must bare the full force of the slap. You would not slap your precious cat, or dog, across the face, but you would Me. Think on this, Martha. Keep it in mind. The next time, you find yourself starting to do or say what is wrong, picture yourself actually slapping Me, or your pet, across the face with great force. It makes you cringe, doesn’t it? I know you do not CHOOSE to hurt Me, Martha, but until you actually REALLY SEE ME IN ALL OTHERS, you will continue to do so. Remember, though, it took you 56 years to get to this point in OUR relationship. You will not become a saint overnight. It is a JOURNEY and while your failures cause BOTH you and I pain, overall, it is an onward and upward journey that brings us both great joy. SEE Me on the Cross, but LIVE in Me as your Risen Lord. Be that joyful Martha that I love so, and continue to share it with all that they may see Me in you, and then find Me in themselves.” I am in awe. He is my teacher, my “Rabboni”. I am off to switch my figurine of the Cross on my dresser, for the figurine of my Risen Lord, downstairs in the living room. My journey begins anew armed with the knowledge that my efforts are pleasing to Him (and that my failures are not insurmountable). I will become worthy; no, I am worthy! (Journey Through The Stillness by Martha Wiggins)
April 12, 2010 – He is here before me and says, “I am your Risen Lord. Let your joy be made full, and then let your joy be made known. Let it be known that after the Cross there was ECSTASY! Yes, you must trod the Way of the Cross to get to the Ecstasy, for I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. You have trodden The Way, now live in The Truth, and you will share in the Ecstasy of Eternal Life with Me! Each time you confess your sins sincerely and contritely, you begin to live anew in The Truth. Yes, the cycle repeats itself again and again. You sin, I forgive, and that is the crux of humanity. It is in your striving to live in The Truth that I find great joy, and it is in the coming for forgiveness that I find great comfort. Continue to persevere, and in doing so, I will take great pride in bringing you into the Ecstasy. ALWAYS, remember, I am IN you and you are IN Me. Together we are ONE! Be the ME in you, and WE will triumph. (Journey Through The Stillness by Martha Wiggins)
Go forth and live in the Risen Lord. You are worthy!