“During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.” Hebrews 5:7
In my March 3, 2011 post, A House In Ruins, I mentioned a method of prayer journaling. It came from the book “Too Busy Not To Pray,” and used the acronym ACTS. The A is for Adoration, C for Confession, T for Thanksgiving, and the S is for Supplications.
To provide an example of this type of prayer journaling I am going to share an entry from my private personal Daily Prayer Journal, aka My Book of Answered Prayer! As stated in the March 3rd post, over the years I have seen all of my prayers either answered or resolved … not always in the manner I would have chosen, but still, they all are answered. My journal is proof-positive in writing. (This Daily Prayer Journal, however, is not the same as “Journey From The Stillness,”my personal spiritual journal that I share publicly on Facebook.)
I would also like to point out that in this entry, for the sake of privacy, I wrote in more general terms. Normally I write on a much more personal level mentioning specifics, naming names, and asking specific things for specific people. This will still show the method and hopefully inspire you to try it too.
Good morning, Lord. (March 11, 2011, Daily Prayer Journal)
You are Holiness.
Forgive me, Lord, when I am everything but Holy; when I allow sin to prevail in my thoughts, words, and deeds.
Thank you, Lord, for the grace of mercy and forgiveness, and for the gift of Salvation.
Bless Turner and I. Bless and strengthen our faith, marriage, health, parenting, and finances. Bless each of our children in faith, health, relationships and goals. Lead each of us to what is ours to do.
Bless all of our family members, Lord. Especially those with aging health concerns, and those suffering in physical pain. Bless those with financial difficulties, and those in need of life direction. Bless those who are separated from You and bring them quickly back.
Bless all of our friends in their individual needs and concerns. Especially bless them in matters of faith, health, relationships, and guidance.
Bless all those for whom I offer to pray, and especially those I then forget. Bless the sick and the dying; the hungry and the poor; the lonely and the depressed. Bless the homeless, and the unborn.
Bless this Nation, guiding its leaders, and guiding us back to You. Bless and protect all who serve in the military.
Bless The Church, Lord. Send her faithful, enthusiastic servants, and prosper her throughout the Earth.
Bless our home and our pets.
Love, Martha
Lent is a time to reflect on matters of faith. A Daily Prayer Journal is one way to add another dimension to our prayer life. Start one tomorrow and you will soon find you have your own book of answered prayer!
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