“Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7
As a Catholic Christian Woman believing in the solemnity of all life, I can not be silent. I must speak out.
On a recent episode of The World Over with Raymond Arroyo, on EWTN, I watched a live interview with Abby Johnson, a former director of a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Texas. She had been at Planned Parenthood for eight years. She had also previously been in the room while abortions were being performed.
Witnessing, for the first time, a live abortion procedure on an ultrasound screen as a “learning experience” for her job as a Director of Planned Parenthood, Abby was asked to hold the ultrasound wand. In her own words, “I saw a thirteen week old child in the womb. And when the abortion started to take place, I saw that child begin to fight for its life during the abortion procedure. And, I saw it try to move to the other side of its mother’s uterus, but there was no where for it to go. And, I eventually saw that child lose the battle to abortion.” About one week later, Abby Johnson left Planned Parenthood.
Since that life changing experience, Abby has written a book entitled, “unPlanned.” It is the story of her journey from pro-abortion to pro-life. I have not read her book. As one who believes in pro-life, I know within my heart and soul that abortion is an abomination; abortion is nothing short of the murder of an innocent child. It is not because of my politics, or any sense of feminism that I feel this way. It is simply my belief in God, my Father, my Creator, the God of the Universe.
All life is created by God. Humans make mistakes, God doesn’t. God is all-merciful and all-forgiving, but He is also all-knowing and all-powerful. When we are against life, we are against God.
There are those who believe that abortion has its place in circumstances such as rape, or child deformity. They argue and push their agenda with the emotional issues. They want us to think about how it would be if we ourselves, or our own daughter, were the victim of a violent rape. Being that victim would be terribly painful, mind numbing, and horrific; unthinkable and unbearable if it were our child. So is abortion. A victim of violence is a victim because of another human being’s action, another human being’s crime. That human commits the crime; for argument’s sake, the mistake. The resulting human being, the fetus, is not a crime, not a mistake. That child, conceived in violence, is the result of a God who doesn’t make mistakes; a God who creates all life. Every life has the imprint of God’s own DNA. We are created in His image and likeness. If aborted, that life, the child, then becomes a sacrificial victim. It only serves to continue the cycle of violence.
If you are on the fence about abortion, if you haven’t given it much thought because it doesn’t affect you personally, take a moment to process this image. Imagine a child, trying to move, trying to escape, and then cowering in the corner of its mother’s womb only to lose its life in an excruciatingly painful way. I pray this image will not let go of you. I pray that you will let this image move you to speak out on that child’s behalf, and if possible to act.
We are all called to be stewards of God’s love and the life he creates. Let us love the woman, love the child, and love God the Creator of all life, born and unborn.

I could not agree with you more! I am an Evangelical and hate abortion and the holocaust of death it has brought on our society more than anything else I can imagine. In Deuteronomy 30:18, God set before His people life and death, and said, “Choose life.” In America we have chosen death. I am pro-choice. People can choose to have sex or not. But if God chooses a baby as the consequenses for unmarried sex, they do not have the right to remove the “inconvenience” through abortion any moree than anyone has the right to remove through murder an “inconvenient” frail and older relative. Abortion is nothing but premeditated murder! The Liberal’s logic is strange: they oppose the death penalty for people convicted of murder, and yet have the death penalty for innocent children who are trying to enter the world through an “inconvenient” womb!
Walter, Thank you for making a comment here on the actual blog/site. I agree also with everything in your comment. In His infinite wisdom and love, God creates. Who are we to destroy His DNA, whether it is young, old, or different. All life has value simply because it is of God. And as I said, humans make mistakes, God doesn’t. God Bless.