“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 1 Corinthians 13:11-13
It seems of late that I have been struggling a bit with myself. Over the past year I have gone through many changes; some on a personal level, others on a spiritual level. If you know me, then you are well aware of the spiritual journey I have been on since the start of 2010 when I first entered into The Stillness. If you know me personally, you also know that I have had some health issues. While the health issues are not extremely serious, one issue has concerned my eyes. After having a radiation ablation of my thyroid I have been dealing with thyroid eye disease. At times, with the pressure and swelling, I am not a happy camper!
At one such point, I shared with my husband that when I look into the mirror I no longer see me. While he was very kind and comforting, I know he didn’t understand fully what I meant. Yes, I am growing older, and I know aging changes us physically and mentally. No, I am not overly concerned with that; and no, I don’t have one foot in the grave already! I love my life and am looking forward to the rest of it!
Even so, when I look in the mirror through the pressure of swollen eyes, I definitely don’t see the me I want to see. The same is also true when I look in the mirror through a soul swollen and stained with sin. I definitely don’t see the me I want to see then either. In that mirror is a reflection of my image, the way I see myself. It may or may not be the way others see me. It is not the way Jesus sees me.
When Jesus sees me in the mirror He sees Himself. I am a reflection of Him; I am created in His image and likeness. The key is to learn to see Jesus when I look into the mirror myself. Easier said than done.
In one of the very first “Journey Through The Stillness” entries (January 12, 2010), Jesus says, “Get to know Me, my beloved. Try to think and act like Me … Try to BE Me.” Then again (January 19, 2010), He says, “Just BE! Just BE Martha! Remember, you are IN Me, and I am IN you. Let your joy out everywhere. How can I help but shine through!” Actually, He presents a similar theme in various ways many times throughout the course of my journey.
Jesus wants each one of us to be whole. And, we feel whole only when we feel Him within. To feel Jesus within, one must spend time with Him, in His Word, getting to know Him. The more you know Him, the more you want to know Him, and the more you become like Him. When you become like Him, you will see Him in your mirror. When you see Jesus in your mirror, you will see the you that you want to see.
Pray: Jesus, help me to be person you want me to be, that I may be a reflection of your glory. Amen.
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27