“Meanwhile a crowd of thousands had gathered, so dense they were treading on one another. He began to speak first to His disciples: Be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.” Luke 12:1
I love reading in a special Bible I have by Max Lucado. It is called “The Inspirational Bible, New Century Version.” It is more like a study Bible or a devotional Bible. It is unique in that he includes what are called Life Lessons, which contain a Situation, Observation, Inspiration, Application, and Exploration. The Situation is a short synopsis of the context of the chapter; the Observation provides a truth or lesson to be gained; the Inspiration provides excerpts from Christian authors on the main point; the Application provides stimulus to use in our everyday life; and the Exploration shares other scripture or verses related for further study. Mostly I just read and enjoy!
In Luke, Chapter 12, we see many instances of Jesus preaching to crowds of thousands, and to His disciples. One time Peter asks, “Lord, did you tell this story to us or to all people?” (Luke 12:41) Jesus had just warned, “Be dressed, ready for service, and have your lamps shining. Be like servants who are waiting for their master to come home from a wedding party.” (Luke 12:35-36) Max Lucado recaps this in the Situation section in this way, “Thousands of people gathered around Jesus. Yet he spoke to his disciples, letting the crowd overhear.”
As readers of the Bible, listeners to the Word, we are part of the crowd. We overhear what Jesus was saying to His disciples over two thousand years ago! As amazing as that seems, I would like to go a step further. Think about the idea that, not only are you an eavesdropper in the crowd, but after hearing the Word, you become the Word. Our life, our actions, our words serve as witness to what Jesus said two thousand years ago. Now, the crowd is thronging around us, listening to us! Let the crowd overhear!
This goes along with a saying I am sure most of you have heard, “you may be the only Bible some people ever read.” It is awe inspiring to know that the Word of God is Eternal. It has no beginning and no end. It is as alive today as it was two thousand years ago when Jesus walked the earth. It is alive in each one of us. We hear, we believe, we become, we witness! And all the while, there are eavesdroppers in the crowd. Live your life, your faith, as if you know they are eavesdropping. Let the crowd overhear!