“So David lived in the strong, walled city and called it the City of David. David built more buildings around it, beginning where the land was filled in. He also built more buildings inside the city. He became stronger and stronger, because the Lord God All-Powerful was with him.”
Oh, to live in the security of a walled city, a fortress. Oh, to be prospered and protected. Oh, to know the feeling of strength, to accomplish, to persevere. Can there truly be such an existence?
The answer is yes; with God, all things are possible. In 1 and 2 Samuel, we read about David. As long as he follows God’s will, as long as he is fulfilling God’s plan for his life, he perseveres, he prospers. Is it without adversity? No. One only has to read a little of his life’s story to see it was filled with struggles and adversities such as war, murder, and infidelity. And yet, David became King, and from the house of David came our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We struggle in our everyday lives to be the person God wants us to be. Many of us fail over and over again. Many turn and walk away, doomed to lives filled with turmoil and misery. In reality, it is us who must build our stronghold, our walled city. We build it brick by brick, prayer by prayer, one faith-filled act at a time.
To build our stronghold we must begin within ourselves, by seeking God’s plan for our life. We do this by spending time in silence before Him. When we realize our own wall of strength and protection, we begin to build one around our loved ones. We do this by praying for their faith and for their protection. We also witness our own faith to them. As we build, we grow ever stronger, able to withstand the attacks from the outside. As we build, our fortress expands to encompass ourselves, our loved ones, and others around us who witness and immitate our strength and faith.
Do the attacks keep coming? Yes, and probably even more so than before, because now, like David, you are with the Lord God All-Powerful. Just as David did, you may falter along the way. But, because you are God’s, your fortress will prove strong. The evil one’s battering ram is fiercely strong also, but not against the Lord God All-Powerful.
Oh, to live in the walled city of God, to be heir to His throne, to be safe within the care of the Lord God All-Powerful. Get your builder’s permit today. Spend time in His silence before Him.