“If the smallest things are beyond your power, why be anxious about the rest?” Luke 12:26
In Luke, Chapter 12, verses 22-31, Jesus warns us not to get too concerned about the things we need in this life, such as the food we eat, or the clothes we wear. For most of us that is quite a tall order! He knows this about us, otherwise He would not have found it necessary to preach about it.
He uses the ravens and lilies as His examples. He tells us to look and see how they are fed, and how beautifully they are adorned, yet they do nothing on their own to accomplish it. They simply exist by the Grace of God. They live in His plan for their life, growing and using the talents and skills He has given them. Because they are His, He takes care of them; He sees to their individual needs. They live in His Divine Providence. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a pretty good deal to me. I live, I get fed and clothed! You know me, I like simple. Yep, a good deal!
Before we get all excited about the possibilities, and yes, while it is simple, there is a catch. Let us look a little closer at those ravens and lilies. They don’t really have much choice in the matter, do they? They cannot deviate from God’s plan for them because they have no free will. God gave each one of us a free will. We can choose to live according to His plan for us, or we can opt out. Jesus even tries to entice us by telling us how much more important we are to God than the ravens and lilies. He points out if God cares for, and adorns them so, then think how much more He will do for us, who are worth so much more in His sight!
Jesus knows us too well. He says, in Luke 12:30, “The unbelievers of this world are always running after these things. Your Father knows that you need such things.” He goes on to say, in verse 31, “Seek out instead his kingship over you, and the rest will follow in turn.” He knows, because of our free will, many of us will be tempted by the trappings of the so called ‘good life’. In His wisdom, He provides us the answer. We are to seek Him first, above all things, and then the rest will take care of itself. All will be well with us.
Easier said than done, I know. But, we can’t say He doesn’t provide for His followers. There may be trials and tribulations, but if we follow His plan for our life, our basic needs will be met. Divine Providence is there for the taking! I still think that is a pretty good deal.