“The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1
I am going to share a little differently today, by posting a page from my very personal spiritual journal, Journey Through The Stillness. If you have never seen any of my journal before, please know that it may not always be the most polished writing. It is raw, written as it occurs, so please excuse any mistakes. It is not mine to change what He communicates!
Entry from June 21, 2010: Today it is Jesus, The Shepherd. When I ask, “Are you there, Lord?” he answers, “Yes, Martha, I am here. You are one of my sheep.” I am asking forgiveness, again, for my many faults and transgressions, and He says, “I know that together, you and I, are bringing home lost sheep, but, Martha, you are also one of my sheep. Sometimes I need to bring you home. Faults can help serve to make one a better person. Not that we should feed, or help to perpetuate them, (Here he says to me, “Go ahead and write while we talk.”) but we should try to learn from them. Examine them. Seek out why we have them and then work on eradicating them. If they are serious enough, one may need to bring them to the altar, to reconciliation. But, always, we need to move forward, away from them. Living in sin and guilt only serves to keep one from coming to Me, and living in forgiveness and light. I am ever waiting to shower mercy and love on all who come to Me in true spirit of reconciliation. Do not dwell in darkness when the Light of Life is right here. One must reach through the darkness, and I will grab on and pull with all my might. I wait; they reach; I grab hold. Tell ALL, it can really be that simple.”
The entry continues on, now in my words: Throughout the weekend, even though there was no Stillness, there still seemed to be direct communication. I was continually prompted to say the 23rd Psalm, “The Lord is My Shepherd…” I had memorized this years ago and often prayed it, but with all that has been going on in my prayer life, I sort of set it aside. As often as I prayed it over the weekend, I felt His pull. He was not letting go of me. I also felt as if He was saying to me that through Lent we lived ON the Cross, and since Easter we have lived IN our Risen Lord. Now, He is saying it is time to live WITH Jesus, Our Shepherd. We cannot always live in sorrow and guilt, or even live constantly in celebration and glory. There is also a time where we must learn and live. We must find our way, but not alone. We find our path with the most loving compassionate Shepherd to guide our Way. He wants me to write His own prayer here:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come; They Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily Bread. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And, lead us not into temptation, but, deliver us from all evil.
Here, I just want to say WOW! And pray, My Jesus, never forsake me, as I so often forsake You. Lead me on paths for your honor and glory that all souls who are in darkness may be brought into the light of your everlasting love and salvation. Ever grant me discernment and wisdom in imparting your words to them. Let them not see or hear me, but only You, through me. Have mercy and grace on us all, through Your Most Sacred Heart, Jesus. Amen.
And so ends the entry from June. I invite you to seek out your faults; examine why you have them, and try to eradicate them. Seek His help. If need be, take them to Him and repent, asking for His forgiveness. “Do not dwell in darkness when the Light of Life is right here.”