“In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God.” John 1:1
Words to a blogger, journalist, author, or poet are life itself. Time to write those words is a gift; a most precious gift from God, the creator of both time and words. It is, therefore, within reason to suggest that words and time cannot be separated, and the common denominator is God. As one who is still finding my way along the word path, and through the time dimension, I find establishing goals to be fundamental to my success as a writer and blogger.
At the beginning of 2010 I found myself longing to reinvent my daily routine, make better use of the time available to me, and better develop my God given talents. I found inspiration accidentally in an article by Dave Ramsey, a Christian Financial Counselor I follow on Facebook. As a New Year’s Resolution , he was recommending businesses and individuals create a mission statement as a way to establish goals and create a path to success. He recommended posting it in a very visible place, such as the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, or car clipboard, in order to keep it in the forefront of one’s mind.
I was not suffering financially, however, I realized my husband and I, as owners of a small business, would have to cut down on our personal expenditures in this economy just as our business would. The idea of a personal mission statement focusing on not just finances, but also on personal goals, struck me as a very effective, usable tool. Little did I know, it would transform my life.
In creating my mission statement, I followed the simple rules set forth by Dave Ramsey on his website: http://www.daveramsey.com/article/mission-statement-101/lifeandmoney_goalsetting/. I brainstormed as suggested, kept my word count within the suggested parameters, and created a statement which truly reflected my goals, and one that was possible to live up to. My personal mission statement for 2010 went as follows: “To add stillness to my prayer time becoming more infused with God, that I may heed His voice to live according to His plan within my financial means; to share His love for all through my joyful spirit; and to use my creative talents to reflect His Glory.”
As a result, I spend time every day in silence before Our Lord listening for His will in my life. In following His will, I have created a personal spiritual journal, which I now share publicly on my Facebook Group page called “Journey Through The Stillness”, and also email regularly to others. I am also managing my time more efficiently. I have paid attention to and curtailed my spending where needed, and I have begun to use my creative talents in ways I never before imagined possible. The latest way I use them to reflect His Glory is through my new website, Martha’s Orbit at http://marthasorbit.com/, and my daily faith blog, Martha’s Orbital Buzz at http://marthasorbit.com/dailyblog/. I have recently tweaked my mission statement for the year 2011 to reflect where I now begin. I am a work in progress, but definitely progressing!
Setting goals and time management are key components to success for any writer, and they transcend to any desired accomplishment. When God is the common denominator, or the thread running throughout, success is undeniable. Add stillness before Him to your routine to discern His will for your life. Create a personal mission statement by analyzing your time management, personal, and financial goals. Then, post it in a highly visible place and get started making it happen! Hopefully, it will provide a path to both personal and financial success for you.