“Blest are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb.” Luke 1:42
In Luke, Chapter 1, verses 42-45, we hear Elizabeth’s words to Mary. The baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy upon hearing Mary’s greeting, causing Elizabeth to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to cry out in a loud voice, “Blest are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb”. This story, known as The Visitation, is also part of the beautiful set of prayers known as The Rosary. It is one of the Joyful Mysteries to be meditated on while saying the Hail Marys.
At this point Mary had already been through a lot. She had been visited by an Angel, become pregnant, suffered through Joseph’s questioning and eventual acceptance of her pregnancy, and traveled far to see her cousin. How relieved and comforted she must have been to find that Elizabeth knew the truth; no explanations necessary! At last she could let her guard down and rest in comfort.
Imagine if we could be as Elizabeth and recognize Jesus within others. Imagine if we were filled with the Holy Spirit to prompt us when we were in His presence, in the body of someone else! Our hearts would leap for joy, causing us to cry out blest is that person. Imagine their response! They would feel as if someone finally saw them for who they truly were, a child of God, worthy of consideration, worthy of respect.
With Christmas looming on the near horizon, it is not that hard to imagine that exact scenario. As He draws nearer are our hearts leaping for joy? Do we recognize Him? He is all around us in the love, peace, and joy of the season being shared by all. His Spirit is already among us. If we look, we will surely see, and then our hearts will be filled with joy at the knowledge of His presence.
When we look for and see Him in others, we will treat others in a way that validates them, that makes them whole. Like Mary, they may have already been through a lot. And like Elizabeth, we will greet them with kindness and respect. Can you imagine?
Ask God to send His Spirit upon you that you may recognize Him in all. Have a Blessed Christmas.

Thank you, Martha. Wonderful words for this most joyous of seasons!
Thanks, Judy, and Merry Christmas!