Continuing my 2020 Lenten Journey- with personal thoughts and commentary by Martha McDuff Wiggins on the book “Lord I Want To Know You” by Kay Arthur.
El Roi, The God Who Sees, Part 2
Day 11
At the very beginning of this study and personal commentary, I mentioned that this was one of my most favorite names to call upon.
We have seen how El Roi ,The God Who Sees can be the name to call upon if we have suffered from abuse or are living in darkness. While I didn’t need El Roi in that particular attribute, I found another most cherished attribute of His to call upon. El Roi can actually serve as our eyes when we cannot see what needs to be seen.
As a parent, you can never be everywhere, especially if raising multiple children. As my three grew into teenagers and were experiencing the many new freedoms that independence and distance from home often presented, I found a need and a confidence to call upon El Roi, The God Who Sees. He could be where I could not. He could see what I could not. He could also see who and what they were being influenced by. He knew exactly where they were and what they were up to every moment. I would often call upon Him and ask Him to watch over them.
Imagine the unimaginable. What if you had a run away teen, an abducted child, an elderly parent or relative who wandered off, or a spouse who didn’t return at the expected time? It would a horrific and terrifying experience to not know where they are or what is happening to them; to not be there to rescue them or to comfort and care for them. Once you have alerted the proper civil authorities, to whom could turn? No human being on earth could calm your mind or ease your fears in those moments of anxiety and fear. Only El Roi, The God Who Sees, has the ability to see exactly where your loved ones are, what is happening to them, and be there with them. It is into His name you can run, asking Him to watch their every move, to make His presence felt, and to guide those searching right to where they are. It is in His name you can run into His Hightower and take refuge in His promises with confidence, knowing no matter what is happening at that very moment, no matter the outcome, He sees the whole picture (past, preset time, and future) and will work all to the good.
These are but a couple of examples where El Roi can be your eyes and see what you cannot. My children are now grown with kids of their own. I still call upon El Roi, The God Who Sees, to be my second set of eyes in times of need.
Today, we have learned how El Roi is The God Who Sees all and is a name of God you can find comfort and rest in many ways. We have also now learned about several of the wonderful names of God. As we learn more of them, you will come to know Him better, and through His names have a greater understanding of the character and attributes, the truths and promises behind each. In His names you will personally come to find healing, comfort, hope, protection, guidance, mental stability, rest, and even vindication. Hopefully, at least one name, if not more, will resonate in your heart and be a name you can confidently call upon in your day of trouble.
Mental action to facilitate your Lenten Journey:
Are there things in your life that you need to see, but can’t? Do they cause you worry or fear? Is there somewhere you need to be, but can’t? Try asking El Roi to look in on the situation and show you how to bring stability to it, how to calm your anxieties. Remind yourself that He sees the past, the present, and the future. Remind yourself He intends your situation to be for your good. 🙏🏻💖
Further action if so inclined:
Practice seeing through God’s eyes today. Look at a situation and ask, ‘What can I not see?’ Then ask El Roi, The God Who Sees, to see it, and to give you the wisdom and guidance to work it out for the good of all involved. 🙏🏻😇