Continuing my 2020 Lenten Journey- with personal thoughts and commentary by Martha McDuff Wiggins on the book “Lord I Want To Know You” by Kay Arthur.
Day 8 & 9
EL Elyon vs Satan
(Genesis 50:20)
We know Satan to be the evil one, the fallen archangel who dared to defy God’s (El Elyon) sovereignty. After which, a mighty battle led by St Michael The Archangel ensued. Satan was defeated and cast into hell. And yet, to this day He roams the earth seeking the ruin of souls, seeking souls to claim dominion over. He has many to choose from, for there are many weak and tired souls who, not knowing the name of their God, fall prey to Satan’s temptations and false promises of grandeur. It begs the question, “Does The God Most High have sovereignty over Satan?”
We definitely need the answer to that question If we are to believe in all that El Elyon, The God Most High, says He is and to trust in His promises to us. In the study book we are asked to look in the biblical Book of Job. For brevity’s sake, I will paraphrase the story of Job. Satan had just come from roaming the earth and was having a discussion with the Lord, who brought up the subject of Job, a blameless and upright man in the eyes of the Lord. Satan argued it was easy for Job to be so as the Lord had built a hedge of protection around him and all that was his. He claimed if that protection were removed, Job would curse the Lord. The Lord then gave Satan permission to test Job. He gave Satan power over him, but warned him not to touch Job. In spite of Satan, Job remained remained blameless and upright, even praising the Lord in his ruin. Satan argued again, which led to the Lord giving Satan even greater power over Job, even to touch him, but to spare his life. Covered in skin boils from head to toe and taunted by his wife to curse God, Job remained steadfast in his praise, accepting His sovereignty in both the good and bad circumstances, saying to his wife,
“Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?” (Job 2:10)
It is important to note that throughout, the Lord remained sovereign, maintaining the ultimate authority. First, Satan had to have El Elyon’s permission each time to penetrate El Elyon’s circle of protection in order to tempt Job. Second, even then the Lord set limitations upon him each time. Yes, He allowed horrible things to happen to His faithful servant. No, He did not withdraw completely from Job. His promise of protection and provision remained steadfast throughout. Each time, Job also remained faithful and trusted in His God’s name and provision, because Job knew who His God was. Even in his terrible trials he had confidence in and boasted in the name of his God! Job glorified God and God rewarded Job.
We see Satan leave empty handed because the name of El Elyon, The God Most High, was called upon!
Another instance where Satan’s involvement proved God’s ultimate and steadfast dominion, is in the biblical story of Joseph.
To recap: Joseph, being the youngest son, and thought to be more favored by his brothers, was sold by them into slavery out of anger and jealousy. He was taken to Egypt, where he suffered many transgressions, even a stint in prison after a wrongful accusation. Through it all he remained faithful and steadfast to his God. (El Elyon). He longed for his family, but he believed God was with him, even if waiting nearby in the shadows to fulfill His purpose, His plan. Over many years, because of his knowledge and trustworthiness, Joseph found favor with his new earthly master, the Pharoh, who eventually appointed him 2nd in command (only to Pharoh), to rule over Egypt’s affairs prior to and during a great famine that threatened all on the earth. Hearing about the stored up grain in Egypt, his brothers traveled afar in the hope of being given some and then returning home to their father. Not recognizing Joseph, they stood before him in their request for grain. When he exposed his truth, they were grieved by and sorrowful for their previous actions. Instead of punishing them or harboring hate in his heart, Joseph said, “And now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life… it was not you who sent me here, but God… And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” (Genesis excerpts)
Here we see Satan at work in the hearts of men ripened with anger and jealousy. In the beginning, appearing that his evil rule will win out, we witness how evil minds banded together can reek havoc in others’ lives. However, we then come to see El Elyon’s Hand at work, turning evil into good!
Here again, it is because Joseph knew who His God was. Even in his terrible trials he had confidence in and boasted in the name of his God! Joseph glorified God and God rewarded Joseph.
Once again, we see Satan leave empty handed because the name of El Elyon, The God Most High, was called upon!
This is pretty powerful stuff! Knowing the Truth of God’s sovereignty in our lives should give us the confidence to call upon Him, and then trust in His outcomes even when we can’t see the forest for the trees, so to speak!
Mental action to facilitate your Lenten Journey:
Knowing that El Elyon, The God Most High, has complete control over all aspects of our lives and the lives of all others, and knowing He created you in His Love for you, read the following slowly with intent:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
If you are confused about things going on in your life, and/or the lives of others, try calling upon the name of El Elyon today, leaving all with Him. Praise and thank Him for hearing and answering you, even if you can’t see just yet where all is headed. 💖🙏🏻
Further action if so inclined:
Reflect on how God turned what was meant for evil into good for all concerned in the above biblical stories. Looking back can you see where God might have done something similar in your life? In another’s life? If so, boast in the name of El Elyon giving Him thanks and praise. If not, keep your eyes and heart open going forward while asking Him to show His Hand at work, that you might truly KNOW His name! 🙏🏻😇