Continuing my 2020 Lenten Journey- with personal thoughts and commentary by Martha McDuff Wiggins on the book “Lord I Want To Know You” by Kay Arthur.
Day 5
According to His Will…
On Day 4 we learned that our being exactly as we are was not an accident. It was not haphazard, chaotic, or incidental. In fact, we were created with intent, perfectly knit in our mother’s womb, according to His Will.
We also learned about the plurality component to the name Elohim. To further support that plurality, we need look no further than (Genesis 1:26).
“Then God (Elohim) said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image’”
It’s almost incomprehensible, but this means we are created in the image of The Triune Godhead, The Holy Trinity. A most simplistic explanation of this greatly important truth is that if the Holy Trinity were a mirror you would be its reflection. You were made to reflect Elohim’s glory to the world. And, it is His Will that you do so.
So, what better way is there to glorify our God than to strive daily to live in His Will for us? None. But how do we actually know His Will for us? He says by always calling upon the name of Elohim and asking Him to show you. Who better than the Father who created you and knows your inner most parts; the Son Jesus, who walked the earth as one of us to show us the Way; and the Holy Spirit whose purpose is to counsel, enlighten and inspire us? Three for the price of one in Elohim!
And then, how do we know we are actually following His Will for our life? I’ve found that, when when I am, there is an inner peace, a knowing confidence. Does this mean no obstacles? No, for when we attempt to live in God’s Will, Satan throws everything he can in our way… temptations, self-doubt, persecution from others, etc. and even vanity! However, despite the onslaught, I still find that inner peace is there, and a confidence to push forward, to accomplish what He is asking of me. I sense His Presence and His Approval. Yes, living in His Will is a hard fought battle, but He is our Elohim. It is to Him we can run and call upon His name for all it gives us.
To summarize the last couple of days:
Elohim, The God of Gods, The Triune Godhead, created you to be you. You are formed perfectly according to His Will, even if according to the world’s standards you are in some way imperfect. You are formed in His image and likeness and made to be a reflection of His glory. To live in His Will is to glorify Him, and the only way to know His Will for you is to call upon His name, the name of Elohim.
In the book, Kay Arthur, says:
“You are to live for Him, to accomplish His Will. To miss this is to miss fulfillment. It is to have existed rather than to have lived.”
Mental action to facilitate your Lenten Journey:
Ask yourself the important questions about your life. Ask if you are fulfilling God’s purpose for creating you. Or, ask what is keeping you from doing so? Do you need to make some changes? Be honest with yourself. Ask Elohim for clarity, direction, and counsel. Be open to His answers, even if they aren’t what you expected or wanted to hear. 💖🙏🏻
Further action if so inclined:
Look in the mirror. Be still and continue to look yourself in the eye. (Not often easy) Say to yourself slowly and confidently, “I am the willful creation of Elohim, the God of Gods. I am a reflection of all that He is and I bring glory to His name.” Repeat again and again to write it upon your heart. Then, walk out that door and into your day enwrapped in and empowered with this Truth. 💖😇